These coconut-mango chicken meal prep bowls with basmati rice, corn salsa, and an easy mango marinade are a delicious way to prep your lunches for the...
Try this Bourbon-spiked alternative to buttery hot sauce for your next Buffalo chicken wrap. It's a sweet sauce with a spicy red pepper kick! I've doubled...
Super easy, low-fat, and low-calorie crockpot chicken recipe. Great to set and forget on a busy day. You really can add just about anything to this recipe....
Super easy, low-fat, and low-calorie crockpot chicken recipe. Great to set and forget on a busy day. You really can add just about anything to this recipe....
Super easy, low-fat, and low-calorie crockpot chicken recipe. Great to set and forget on a busy day. You really can add just about anything to this recipe....
I work in a corporate office, and our cafe has a wrap station every Friday. I got hooked on the California club chicken wraps so I watched closely and...
Super easy, low-fat, and low-calorie crockpot chicken recipe. Great to set and forget on a busy day. You really can add just about anything to this recipe....
Chicken breasts rolled up with a crabmeat and mushroom mixture, topped with a white sauce and baked. I got this recipe from a friend and my family loves...
Simple and quick grilled chicken with a delicious sauce and fresh vegetables in a pita or naan wrap! This recipe is a great base for your own wrap ideas....
Tangy baked bacony chicken breasts. Just three ingredients prove that three IS a magic number! Make Bacon Chicken magic tonight. This recipe is a favorite...
Tangy baked bacony chicken breasts. Just three ingredients prove that three IS a magic number! Make Bacon Chicken magic tonight. This recipe is a favorite...
A delicious and nutritious way to eat chicken breasts! Since this makes a lot of sauce too, it's really great served over brown rice, garlic mashed potatoes--or...
This is a recipe I came up with while trying to use up some leftovers from another recipe. You can add more or less pepper depending on your taste. My...
This pulled chicken crockpot dinner uses a slow cooker to prepare this great twist on basic barbecue chicken. Throw the chicken breasts in frozen, and...
This is a creamy, rich tasting chicken bake that is amazingly easy. The sauce is also great over mashed potatoes. For a low-fat dish, substitute reduced...